Give Your Tradeshow Attendees What they want

Give Your Tradeshow Attendees What they want

As year-end draws near, event marketers and managers are meeting to develop, fine tune and hone their plans and budgets. At the heart of this process is one key component, facing marketers worldwide: VALUE. Markets must perpetually prove value, to those with greater spending and decision authority.

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Be it Resolved: Trade Show Resolutions

Be it Resolved:  Trade Show Resolutions

In a little less than four weeks we will welcome the start of the bright and shiny New Year. Hello, 2018! Champagne corks will pop, and confetti will run down from the skies, with the excitement of a clean slate and promise of resolutions made and resolutions filled. Likely you recognize the banter, either by the water cooler or in the recesses of your mind: This year, this will be the year. That’s right 2018 is the year we will rise early, work late, track and measure goals, cross them off the list and move the needle, up.

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7 Things Event and Tradeshow Marketers Should Consider Before Embarking on the RFP Process

7 Things Event and Tradeshow Marketers Should Consider Before Embarking on the RFP Process

More and more event managers are taking on the role of selecting their trade show and exhibit house partner — but they may not know where to begin. Carefully considering the needs and objectives of your tradeshow and event marketing program is a critical first step to finding the right fit. If you find yourself in this boat, keep these seven critical issues in mind for smooth sailing.

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12 Steps to Engaging Content at CES

12 Steps to Engaging Content at CES

CES is a glimpse into the future. It’s a showcase of how we will work, play, travel, and communicate in the not-so-distant future. Awe-inspiring new gizmos and gadgets are the stars of the show and CES is the stage where many new products jump out of obscurity and into our daily lives.

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Touchdown! Super Bowl LI & 2020 Exhibits

Touchdown! Super Bowl LI & 2020 Exhibits

The Super Bowl happens but a once a year. For the City of Houston, the opportunity to host the world’s largest sporting event was a second in a lifetime event. As a modern and dynamic city renowned for its hospitality, Houston would set the perfect stage for this record-breaking, unforgettable Super Bowl LI.

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Tips For Navigating A Better RFP Process

Tips For Navigating A Better RFP Process

R-F-P. Funny how three tiny little letters can make even make the savviest and toughest of trade show and event marketers shake in their shoes. Whether you’re new to the business or a seasoned pro, just the thought of embarking across the vast RFP sea can take the wind out of your sails.

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