It is always such an honor and bright spot when a feature article about one of 2020 Exhibits projects is seen live online and the magazine lands on our desks! Such is the case for this recent Exhibitor Magazine feature article that celebrates one of our all-time favorite experiences: NOV at the Offshore Technology Conference. “Inviting refuge,” “quieter self-paced experience,” and “tranquil VIP lounge” are just a few of the highlights noted in this two-page spread. There is so much to see, do, and experience in NOV’s thoughtful, engaging, and deliberate OTC exhibit.
As many of you are working remotely, from your homes, we invite you to pause for a just a moment, take a very deep breath, and take in these images and NOV’s story, which highlights their intentional strategy to differentiate and improve CX at tradeshows. We hope that like us, you see the clarity, intention, and beauty. Enjoy this feature article, entitled Self Service, from Exhibitor Magazine. And when the time is right and you’re ready to consider steps for the next journey for your exhibits, events, environment, or signage programs, know that our team of experts is here to help. We love working with our client partners to design, deliver, and execute amazing events, projects, and program. Stay safe and well, reach out when you need us. We are just a phone call away 800. 856.6659.