It was a fantastic Rodeo season for us here at 2020 Exhibits! Our offices were busy designing, building, and installing exhibits, photo ops, and activations for RODEOHOUSTON. It’s always an honor for us to see our work on display at such a renowned Houston event (and to be able to partner with brands like Houston Methodist, Kroger, Baylor College of Medicine, and Chevron). From Baylor Medicine’s Chuck Wagon Activation to Chevron’s “Houston is Home” Photo Ops to the AgVenture Park Bee Exhibit, our work generated foot traffic, brand awareness, and engagement. We are grateful to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo for continuing to trust our work year after year.#2020Exhibits #RodeoHouston #HLSR #LetsRodeo #BaylorMedicine#HoustonMethodist #Chevron #Activations ... See MoreSee Less
What a stunning display our team created for The Cookware Company at The Inspired Home Show 2025!This open-concept exhibit, comprised of 45 X 105 and 15 X 105 booths, stopped traffic at The Inspired Home Show 2025 in Chicago, IL.The design artfully displayed their award-winning cookware in a strategic and spacious design that stole everyone’s attention as they walked by.Beautiful Sintra and SEG graphics in smooth, vibrant colors, along with various monitors all around, created an appealing environment, while comfortable seating areas in the center invited visitors to stay. Check out the photos from the show!#2020Exhibits #TheCookwareCompany #InspiredHomeShow#IHS2025#TradeShows#Events... See MoreSee Less
Fresh new pics! Check out the photos of our recent project with West Star Aviation at the NBAA National Business Aviation Association Convention Exhibition in Las Vegas.Our teams designed, built, and installed a fabulous 40 X 100 booth that captured attendees at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Plenty of room for networking, lounge seating, and a spacious meeting room made this one a show-stopper! Have a show coming up? It’s never too early to start planning. Contact us at our Houston or St. Louis offices and let’s get the show started! #2020exhibits#weststaraviation#aviationindustry#IslandExhibit #tradeshow#eventplanning#EventMarketing ... See MoreSee Less
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With building construction already under way, 2020 Exhibits moved fast to complete a critical analysis of the space, first determining where there was flexibility versus more solid, unyielding elements. Doing so allowed for the design team to manage the flow within the space and address challenges such as permanent walls and columns in the middle of the space. Driven by a central focus and mission, the design showcases WEIR’s award-winning, forward-thinking innovation while honoring and respecting its past, with a clear eye to the future. In addition to reflecting WEIR commitment to innovation and operational excellence, the new environment needed to speak to three key audiences: corporate guests, employees and potential recruits.
As a cornerstone for the facility, this new corporate entrance has no obstructions and is visible from all sides, including the atrium above. When you first enter, the environment serves as an impactful moment of introduction, engaging the senses as visitors are immersed in the brand culture and story. Capitalizing upon the building’s dynamic structure, 2020 Exhibits framed the environment, leading visitors with a curved stairway and custom, patterned flooring.
Sophisticated enough to reflect WEIR’s advanced technologies, individual product kiosks are user-friendly, featuring dynamic, integrated product information which can be updated at a moment’s notice. Neutral wood-grain finishes lightened the space and balanced the high-tech feel of the individual kiosks. Serving as an anchor and the perfect conversation starter, the history wall walks visitors through the environment and the WEIR story.
WEIR Oil & Gas Headquarters and New Product Show Room is instrumental in reinforcing the strength of the WEIR brand – past, present and future. With hundreds of visitors since the ribbon cutting, the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive from employees, corporate guests, recruits and senior level executives.